Hand holding a pencil with halftone screen overlay




DPI is an abbreviation for “Dots Per Inch“. It is used to measure the number of ink dots per linear inch (2.54 centimeters) of print. DPI is a worldwide standard for measuring print density.

DPI is not a direct measure of print resolution. Resolution refers to the total or approximate number of dots in a printed image, regardless of the size. It is also not the same as “dots per square inch”. A 300 DPI print will have 300 × 300 dots that equates to 90 000 dots of ink in a square inch.

Is DPI the same as PPI?

Although DPI and PPI are similar concepts, it’s important to remember that they are not the same thing.

  • DPI refers to the dots in a printed image
  • PPI measures the number of pixels in a digital image

The dots per inch of an image determines the the print quality. Generally speaking, an image with a higher DPI will print sharper than an image with a low DPI. The original image however, must still have enough pixels containing the raw image data which is measured in PPI.

The printing industry standard for quality images is 300 DPI. If you use images with a lower number of dots per inch, you run the risk of them appearing “fuzzy” or pixelated when printed.
